Section 1. This organization shall be known as the American Lahore Club.
Section 2. The purpose of this club shall be to promote the breeding and exhibition of the Lahore Pigeon, to make Lahores in all colors the best of all exhibition breeds, and to sponsor annual District and National shows. To further the exhibition of the Lahore, the American Lahore Club will offer regular and special premiums and ensure proper classification of all Lahores at all American Lahore Club sanctioned shows. The club is an affiliate of the National Pigeon Association, Inc. and shall cooperate with all pigeon agencies in the promotion of the Lahore Pigeon.
Section 3. Membership may be either of the following classes:
(a) Individual member: Any person of good character interested in breeding the Lahore Pigeon is eligible for membership, and may become a member upon payment of the prescribed fee and agreeing to comply with the Constitution and By-Laws.
(b) Organizational Member: Any local or other organization devoted to the breed may become a member of the American Lahore Club by applying to the Secretary and paying the prescribed fee the same as the individual member. No individual or organization shall be elected to the membership until after the prescribed fee shall have been paid.
(c) The membership fee (annual dues) for any individual, club, or organization member shall be $20.00. Membership must be renewed each January 1st. Membership will expire if annual dues are not paid by March 1st. Members who have not paid their annual dues are not entitled to vote, receive prizes, or club bulletins.
(d) Reinstatement: Any member having been dropped from membership for non-payment of dues shall be reinstated upon payment of the annual dues for the current year.
(e) Voting Privileges: Each individual or organization member in good standing is entitled to one vote in all club matters requiring a vote. The representative of an organization casting a vote must provide the proper credentials showing that he is the accredited representative. The proper credentials being a statement so indicating, signed by two officers of the organization.
Section 4. The date, time, and place of the annual club show and annual young bird show shall be decided by the majority vote of the Board of Directors. Traditionally the annual show has taken place in conjunction with the NPA Grand National Show and the ALC young bird show in conjunction with the National Young Bird Show. The place and date of individual district shows shall be determined by the local District Director and approved by the President.
Section 5. The ALC shall provide a medallion or certificate award for the following classes at the two annual national shows and at each annual district show: Champion, Reserve Champion, Best Red, Best Yellow, Best Black, Best Lavender, Best Bar, Best Check, Best A.O.C.. Members are encouraged to offer additional awards beyond the standard awards offered by the ALC.
Section 6. Judges for two national shows shall be provided by the ALC. Judges for each district show will be provided by the districts themselves.
Section 8. The officers of this club shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, Publicity Director, and five District Directors, each representing an ALC district. The Board of Directors shall consist of all officers and the Immediate Past President.
Method of Election
Section 9. Officers other officials shall be elected in the following manner:
- All officers serving on the Board of Directors shall be elected by a mail ballot to be conducted by the Secretary-Treasurer and certified by the President as provided in the By-Laws.
- The Standard Revision Committee shall consist of five members and shall be appointed by the President.
- Judges for ALC sponsored national shows shall be appointed by the President and approved by a majority of the Board of Directors. Judges for district meets will be appointed by the local District Director.
Terms of Office
Section 10. The President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, Publicity Director, and all members of the Board of Directors shall be elected every other year for terms of two years.
Section 11. The President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, and Publicity Director shall be elected by all members eligible to vote. The five District Directors shall be elected by the members residing in their geographic districts. The districts are defined as follows:
EASTERN DISTRICT (No. 1): Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, District of Columbia, Ohio, Kentucky, North Carolina, and South Carolina.
CENTRAL DISTRICT (No.2): Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Montana, and Wyoming.
SOUTHERN DISTRICT (No. 3): Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia, and Florida.
WESTERN DISTRICT (No. 4): Washington, Oregon, Idaho, California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Alaska, and Hawaii.